The Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

A Brief History with details of some of the individuals involved with the Church between 1878 to 1932

Some sixty or seventy years ago Earlestown was a small but growing collection of houses, built to meet the needs of the workers at the Viaduct Wagon Works and situated in the parish of Newton-in-Makerfield, the nearest Church being that of Emmanuel, Wargrave. As the works extended and a large increase of population became resident, Canon Whitley, then Rector of Wargrave, seeing the necessity of providing religious services and instruction, erected an Infant Schoolroom, where for a time Church services were held. The next step was the erection of the Chancel and first part of the nave of the Church.

The plans of Mr. C. Whitley (architect) were accepted and the Church built of stone in the early English style. Building was commenced in 1875, and the consecration took place in 1879, by Bishop Kelly, Assistant Bishop of Chester (Liverpool Diocese not being in existence).

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

The Rev. T. R. Matthews was appointed Curate-in-Charge and on the parish being formed became the first Vicar.

His long vicariate continued until 1914. Many developments had taken place, notably the erection of the fine Vicarage adjoining the Church, the acquisition of an excellent three manual organ, the erection of the Mission Hall in High Street and the beginning of St. Philip’s Mission Church.

The next Incumbent was the Rev. H. C. Moor, M.A., whose ministry in the parish lasted through the difficult period of the war. He was followed in 1919 by the Rev. Robert Marsden, M.A., who did much to strengthen the spiritual life of the parish.

The completion of the West End of the Church and the first part of the Tower was accomplished and the Dedication conducted on March 6th, 1926, by the Lord Bishop of Liverpool.

The installation of electric light was completed in the autumn of 1927, in memory of the late Mrs. Marsden, senior. The present Vicar, the Rev. E. W. Storer, M.A., was Instituted and Inducted on February 28th, 1928.

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

1878—1914: Rev. T. R. Matthews.
1914—1919: Rev. H. C. Moor, M.A.
1919—1927: Rev. R. Marsden, M.A.
1928—: Rev. E. W. Storer, M.A.

Rev. H. E. Smith.
Rev. G. Lovett.
Rev. E. W. W. Kaye.
Rev. F. C. Shirtcliffe.
Rev. J. C. Matthews.
Rev. A. Ainley, M.A.
Rev. S. Devinney, M.A., LL.D.
Rev. O. E. Hill.
Rev. B. H. Watts, M.A.*
Rev. J. A. Cooil.
Rev. Wilfrid Greenwood.
Rev. F. H. Milward, B.A.
Rev. F. A. Holt, L.Th.*
Rev. T. Lever, M.C.*
* An asterisk denotes Curate-in-Charge of St. Philip’s, Newton Common.

1879-1880: James Fairclough and Francis Harwood.
1881-1882: Nathan Slinn and Thomas Nevitt.
1883: Nathan Slinn and Benjamin Corlett.
1885-1890: Robert Bell and Peter Foden.
1891-1897: T. A. Pimblett and Peter Foden.
1898-1900: T. A. Pimblett and Dr. Mouncey.
1901: Dr. Mouncey and Samuel Findley.
1902-1904: Dr. Mouncey and T. A. Pimblett.
1905-1908: Dr. Mouncey and George Dale.
1909: Dr. Mouncey and John Boardman.
1910-1911: George Dale and John Boardman.
1912: Frederick Taylor and John Boardman.
1913: Frederick Taylor and Charles Dean.
1914: Frederick Taylor and George Makin, jun.
1915-1918: Frederick Taylor and Charles McGregor Duncan.
1919-1920: Frederick Taylor and John Boardman.
1921-1928: Harold Thorn and John Boardman.

Mr. H. J. Durman, Mrs. and Miss Thacker, Mr. G. Weeks, Mrs. Latimer, Mr. W. H. Radford, Mr. J. Harrison, and Mr. Harold Lewis.

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

St John the Baptist in 1928

Vicar — The Rev. ERNEST W. STORER, M.A., St. Catharine’s College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge.

Ordained Deacon 1919 and Priest 1920, by Dr. Chavasse, Lord Bishop of Liverpool.

Appointments: Curate and Senior Curate of St. Helens Parish Church. Curate-in-Charge of St. Mary’s Mission, St. Helens, 1919-1924. Vicar of St. Paul’s, Widnes, 1924-1928. Instituted and Inducted to St. John the Baptist, Earlestown, February 28th, 1928.

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

Hon. Licensed Lay Reader — Dr. C. J. Mouncey,
Patterdale Lodge, Market Street, Earlestown.

Church Wardens —
Mr. Harold Thorn, 122, Market Street.
Mr. John Boardman, 234, Crow Lane West.

Lay Representatives —
Mr. T. E. Clough, 183, Crow Lane West.
Mr. Jones, 333, Patterson Street.

Organist and Choirmaster —
Mr. H. Lewis, Bishopswood, Cross Lane.

Church Army Worker — Vacant.

Auditor — Mr. J. Boon.

Verger and Apparitor — Mr. Wilson, 134, Haydock St.

Parochial Church Council:

Chairman: The Vicar, the Rev. E. W. Storer, M.A.
Secretary: Mr. J. Boardman.
Treasurers: The Wardens, Mr. H. Thorn and Mr. J. Boardman.

Lay Representatives: Mr. T. E. Clough, Mr. Jones.

Sidesmen: Messrs. Jones, Rylance, Welsh, Lord, Potts, Richards, Lea, junr., Cave, Higson, Collier, Jackson, Griffiths; Mr. Pimblett, Mr. Dale (Permanent Sidesmen).

Lay Reader: Dr. C. J. Mouncey.

Congregation’s Representatives: Mr. Gregory, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs. Thorn, Mrs. Sutton, Miss A. Spencer.

Men’s Bible Class: Mr. W. Spencer.

Women’s Bible Class: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Richards.

Sunday Schools: Mr. Greening and Mr. Bretherton.
Day Schools: Mr. Spurr.

Choir: Mr. Houghton and Mrs. Martindale.

Mothers’ Meeting: Mrs. Hordrige and Mrs. Waring.

Mothers’ Union: Mrs. Dodds and Mrs. Smith.

Church Completion Fund: Mr. Whitehead and Mr. W. Smith.

Mission Hall: Miss Foden, Mrs. Stead, and Mr. Cave.

Girls’ Club: Mrs. Storer.


Holy Communion: Every Sunday at 8 a.m.
First Sunday of the month also at 10-30 a.m.
Third Sunday also at 6-30 p.m.

Morning Prayer and Sermon: 10-30 a.m.

Evening Prayer and Sermon: 6-30 p.m.

Holy Baptism: 3-15 p.m. (when notice is given).

Men’s Bible Class in Church at 2-15 p.m.
President: The Vicar.

Women’s Bible Class in the Mission Hall at 3-15 p.m.
President: Mrs. Storer.

Young Men’s and Young Women’s Bible Classes in the District School at 2-15 p.m.

Children’s Mission Service in Mission Hall at 6-15 p.m.

Churchings after any Service.


Holy Communion on Saints’ Days at 9-30 a.m. and as announced.

Morning Prayer and Intercessions: Daily at 9-30 a.m.
Litany, Wednesday and Friday.

Evening Prayer, Acts of Devotion and Bible Study, every Wednesday at 7-30 p.m.

Holy Baptism and Churching on Wednesdays at 6-45 p.m., and at other times as desired. Notice should be given in all cases to the Vicar.

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown


Every Sunday, in the District Schools, at 9-30 a.m. and 2-0 p.m.

Every Sunday, in the Mission Hall, at 9-30 a.m. and 2-0 p.m.

The Sunday School is conducted on the modern graded system.

Senior Dept.: Mr. Greening.
Junior Dept.: Mr. Sutton.
Primary Dept.: Miss A. Spencer.
Infants’ Dept.: Miss Tomkinson.

Secretary and Treasurer—Mr. Greening.
Assistant: Mr. J. Bray.

Preparation Classes are held weekly as arranged by the Superintendents.

The Anniversary is held on the first or second Sunday in May.

The Annual Walking-Day and Tea is held on the third Saturday in June.

Mission Hall Sunday School—Superintendent: Mr. Pritchard.

Banns, Marriages and Funerals—Notice should be given and arrangements made at the Vicarage. The Vicar is Surrogate for the granting of Marriage Licences.

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown



Board of Management—
Chairman: The Vicar.
Correspondent: Mr. Peake.
Dr. Valentine and Mr. T. Gregory.

Mr. Mullins, Mrs. Williams.

Head Teacher, Mixed Dept.: Mr. Spurr.

Head Teacher, Infants’ Dept.: Miss Duckworth.


Board of Management—
Chairman and Correspondent: The Vicar.
Colonel Pilkington, Mr. W. Thompson, Mr. C. McGregor, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Martin, Mrs. Gee.

Head Teacher—Mr. Collinge.

Women’s Fellowship — President: Mrs. Storer.
Thursday afternoons, in the Mission Hall, at 3 p.m.

Mothers’ Union — Enrolling Member: Mrs. Spencer,
33, Tamworth Street.

Girls’ Club — Every Tuesday at 7-30 p.m.

Girls’ Guild — Every Thursday at 7-30 p.m. (for Juniors).

Boys’ Club — Every Wednesday and Thursday evening in the Mission Hall. Leader: Mr. W. Sutton.

Guild of Youth — Secretary: Miss Spencer.

Men’s Bible Class and Savings Club.
President — The Vicar.
Secretaries — Mr. H. Thorn and Mr. Lord.

Women’s Bible Class.
President — Mrs. Storer.
Secretary — Mrs. Williams.

Badminton Club — In Mission during winter months.

Tennis Club.
Courts: Patterson Street.
Secretary: Mr. R. Lea, 39, Newton Terrace.

Band of Hope — On Mondays at 6-45 p.m. in the District Schools.
Secretary — Miss A. Spencer, 33, Tamworth Street.

District Visitors and Magazine Distributors.
Printer and Publisher — Mr. Welsh.
Secretary for Advertisements — Mr. Thorn.
Treasurer (pro tem.) — The Vicar.
Visitors — Twenty-two, covering the whole parish.

The Magazine is published on the 1st Wednesday of every month. Price 2d.

Free-will Offering Fund.
Secretary and Treasurer — Mr. Thorn.

Electoral Roll and Liverpool Review.
Secretary — Mr. T. E. Clough.

The Mission Hall.
Caretaker — Mrs. Stead, 6, Crown Street.

“Somewhere, some way, some time each day,
I’ll turn aside and stop and pray
That God will make my Church the way
Of blessing unto men.”

Pastoral Visitation.

It is the Vicar’s aim and earnest wish to be of service at all times. It will be very helpful if friends will keep him informed of new cases of sickness, accident or bereavement. Any intimation from anyone will be acted upon mostly gladly and at once. It is also desirable that names and addresses of new residents in the parish be sent in, so that they may receive a personal visit and an invitation to our Church Services.

The Church’s Ministry in sickness is primarily of a spiritual character. We seek through prayer and the comfort of the Scriptures, the healing and restoration in soul and body that Almighty God alone can give.

“The prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up.” — James V., 15.

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

St John the Baptist in 1932

Vicar: — The Rev. ERNEST W. STORER, M.A., St. Catharine’s College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge.
Ordained Deacon 1919 and Priest 1920, by Dr. Chavasse, Lord Bishop of Liverpool.
Appointments: Curate and Senior Curate at St. Helen’s Parish Church. Curate-in-Charge of St. Mary’s Mission, St. Helens, 1919-1924. Vicar of St. Paul’s, Widnes, 1924-1928. Instituted and Inducted to St. John the Baptist, Earlestown, February 28th, 1928. Hon. Secretary and Chapter Clerk, Winwick Rural Deanery, 1931; and Chairman, Newton-in-Makerfield Higher Education Committee, 1931.

Lady WorkerSister E. G. Brewster, 27, St. John Street. Appointed October 1928.

Hon. Licensed Lay ReaderMr. W. Sutton, 169, Crow Lane West.

Church Wardens
Mr. Harold Thorn, 122, Market Street.
Mr. John Boardman, 234, Crow Lane West.

Lay Representatives to Diocesan Conference
Mr. T. Gregory, Clifton, Cross Lane.
Mr. Alec Brown, “Ribbleton House,” Crow Lane West.

Lay Representatives to Rural-Deanial Conference
Mr. J. Collier, Hall House Farm, Earlestown.
Miss A. Spencer, 33, Tamworth Street.

Organist and Choir Master
Mr. H. Lewis, “Bishopswood,” Cross Lane.

Messrs. Potts, Welsh, Jackson, Griffiths, Collier, Clarke, C. Spencer, Richards, Rylance, R. Lea, Higson and T. Stead.

Permanent SidesmanMr. T. Pimblett.

Church Council
Chairman: The Vicar.
Vice-Chairman: Mr. Thorn.
Secretary: Mr. J. Boardman.
Treasurers: Mr. H. Thorn and Mr. J. Boardman.
Lay Representatives: Messrs. T. Gregory, A. Brown, J. Collier and Miss A. Spencer.
Elected Members: Sister Brewster, Mrs. Watkinson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs. Thorn, Mrs. Dodds, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Hirons, Mrs. Storer, Mrs. J. Green, Mrs. Halton, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Waring and Mrs. Lammas; Miss Foden, Miss B. Appleton, Miss Naylor, Miss Higson;
Messrs. J. Bretherton, Wilson, Greening, Griffiths, Jackson, Potts, C. Spencer, W. Smith, R. Lea, Pimblett and Barker.

AuditorMr. I. Boon.

Verger and ApparitorMr. H. Wilson, 134, Haydock Street.

The Parish Hall
Chairman: The Vicar.
Secretary: Mr. J. Bretherton, 5, Bridge Street.
Treasurer: Mr. T. Griffiths, 99, Earle Street.
Committee: Mr. Potts, Mr. Dodds, Mr. Wainwright, Mr. Richards, Mr. Sutton, Mrs. Thorn, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs. Dodds.
Caretaker: Mr. Cummings, 44, Nelson Street.
(Applications for booking must be made to the Vicar.)

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

Day Schools
Earlestown District C.E. School:
Foundation Managers: Chairman, The Vicar; Correspondent, Mr. Peake; Dr. Valentine and Mr. T. Gregory.
Head Teacher: Mixed Department, Mr. H. Spurr;
Staff: Mr. G. F. Barnes, Mr. E. L. Hughes, Mr. W. Appleton, Mrs. Holgate, Miss Dickenson, Miss Edwards, Miss Ball, Mrs. Sutton, Miss Maudsley, Miss Spencer, Miss Goff.
Head Teacher: Infants’ Department, Miss Duckworth;
Staff: Mrs. Hughes, Miss Ball, Miss Bailey and Mrs. Sephton.

The Manor C.E. School:
Foundation Managers: Chairman and Correspondent, The Vicar, Mr. W. W. Thompson, J.P., Mr. C. McGregor Duncan, J.P., Colonel Pilkington.
Head Teacher: Mr. G. Collinge;
Staff: Miss G. M. Traverse, Mr. J. Higham, Mrs. J. Allen, Miss M. C. Clough, Miss W. Ball, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Evett, Mrs. Birchall.


Holy Communion: Every Sunday at 8 a.m.;
First Sunday of the month also at 10-30 a.m.;
Third Sunday also at 6-30 p.m.

Morning Prayer and Sermon: 10-30 a.m.

Evening Prayer and Sermon: 6-30 p.m.

Holy Baptism: 3-15 p.m. (when notice is given).

Men’s Bible Class in Church at 2-15 p.m.
President: The Vicar.

Women’s Bible Class in the Parish Hall at 3-15 p.m.
President: Mrs. Storer.

Young Women’s Bible Class at 2-15 p.m. in the District School.
Leader: Sister Brewster.


Holy Communion on Saints’ Days at 9-30 a.m. and as announced.

Morning Prayer and Intercessions: Daily at 9-30 a.m.
Litany, Wednesday and Friday.

Evening Prayer, Acts of Devotion and Bible Study, every Wednesday at 7-30 p.m.

Holy Baptism and Churching—On Sundays at 3-15 p.m. and Wednesdays at 6-45 p.m., and at other times as arranged. Notice should be given in all cases on a special form which may be obtained on application from the Verger or the Vicarage.

Banns, Marriages and Funerals—Notice should be given and arrangements made at the Vicarage. The Vicar is Surrogate for the granting of Marriage Licences.

Parochial Organisations:

SUNDAY SCHOOLS: — A Sunday School is held in the District C.E. School every Sunday at 9-45 a.m. and 2 p.m., and also at the Parish Hall at 9-45 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Schools are conducted on the modern Graded System.

Superintendents: District Sunday School —
Senior Department: Mr. H. Lewis.
Junior Department: Miss Pierce.
Primary Department: Miss A. Spencer.
Infants’ Department: Miss E. Eccleston.
Parish Hall Sunday School: Mr. W. Houghton.

Secretary: Mr. J. Bray, 101, Haydock Street.

Treasurer: Mr. J. Boardman, 234, Crow Lane West.

Mrs. Green, Miss Bailey, Miss Mather, Miss Wainwright, Miss Smith, Miss Mullins, Miss N. Turner, Miss Edith Pritchard, Miss W. Pritchard, Miss Evelyn Pritchard, Miss Atkinson, Miss I. Bailey, Miss D. Sutton, Miss E. Smith, Miss Hill, Mrs. Harris, Miss Powell, Miss Foden, Miss F. Dale, Miss Brierley, Miss Naylor, Miss Bannister, Miss Torrance, Miss Morris, Miss Greening, Miss Bradshaw, Miss Bennett, Miss M. Shallcross, Mr. W. Sutton, Mr. Powell, Mr. Smith, Mr. W. Peake, Mr. F. Jones, Mr. Cummings, Mr. G. Hewitt, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. H. Bailey, Mr. F. Cummings.

The Sunday School Anniversary is held on the Second Sunday in June and the Annual Walking Day and Tea on the Third Saturday in June.

St. John the Baptist, Earlestown

Rehearsals every Wednesday evening in Church at 8-30 p.m., and for Boys on Fridays at 6-30 p.m.

Organist and Choir Master: Mr. H. Lewis.

Registrar: Mr. H. Smith.

Members — Soprano:
Miss Littler, Miss Collier, Mrs. Atkinson, Miss Mullins, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Hughes, Miss H. Smith, Miss W. Pritchard, Miss P. Williams, Miss Wainwright, Miss Chew.

Master J. Wilson, W. Toomes, A. Carrington, J. Ellison, C. Barcroft, W. Hughes, W. Bethell, J. Money, J. Cooper, E. Fryer, E. Clarke, E. Dooley, W. Welch, W. Pilkington, S. Case.

Miss Roberts, Miss Roberts, Miss A. Atkinson, Miss M. Appleton, Miss D. Collier, Mrs. Conway and Miss Robinson.

Mr. Ashcroft, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Saunders, Mr. W. Houghton, Mr. Mullins, Mr. T. Smith, Mr. J. Hewitt, Mr. F. Price.

Mr. I. Boon, W. Smith, A. Singleton, A. Burman, W. Peake, T. Horton, G. Hewitt.


Treasurer: The Vicar.
Missionary Box Collectors: Mrs. Thorn and Mrs. Boardman.
Magazine Secretary: Mrs. Cooper, 18, Vista Avenue.


Treasurer: Mr. J. Boardman.
Ladies’ Home Mission Union: Secretary and Collector, Mrs. Hughes.


Collector: Miss Foden.


Secretary and Treasurer: Mr. H. Thorn.


Secretary: Mr. T. E. Clough.


Agent: Mr. W. Houghton.


Series “A” for Adults: 1d. Monthly.
Series “B” for Young People: 1d. Monthly.
Obtainable from Sister Brewster, Miss Mary Rose, and Miss E. Drummond.

FLOWERS FOR THE SANCTUARY — Our gratitude is due to the splendid band of ladies who subscribe regularly for the above, and to Mrs. Martindale, the Secretary.

“Somewhere, some way, some time each day,
I’ll turn aside and stop and pray
That God will make my Church the way
Of blessing unto men.”


It is the Vicar’s aim and earnest wish to be of service at all times. It will be very helpful if friends will keep him informed of new cases of sickness, accident or bereavement. Any intimation from anyone will be acted upon mostly gladly and at once. It is also desirable that names and addresses of new residents in the parish be sent in, so that they may receive a personal visit and an invitation to our Church Services.

The Church’s Ministry in sickness is primarily of a spiritual character. We seek through prayer and the comfort of the Scriptures, the healing and restoration in soul and body that Almighty God alone can give.

“The prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise them up.” — James V., 15.

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