Historical notes for a letter to the King

His Majesty the King, etc, Duke of Lancaster

“Your Majesty,”

In all humility and loyalty, certain of your subjects in the district of Burtonwood have interested themselves in completing historical records of their village and environs and contact is being made in this manner with all whose family and ancestral relationships are in any way connected with the story of Burtonwood.

It may interest your Majesty to peruse the following historical data which shows the relationship between the House of Lancaster and those who lived literally at the beginning of our history:-

In 1189 William-le-Boteler, 5th Baron of Warrington and Lord of the Manor of Burtonwood, had, as his Superior Lord, John, Earl of Lancaster, brother of Richard I.

In 1210 William-le-Boteler Baron of Warrington accompanied King John to Ireland as the King’s trusted councillor and friend.

In 1270 Prince Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, 2nd son of Henry III described William-le-Boteler, Baron of Warrington and Lord of the Manor of Burtonwood, his “beloved and faithful servant”. The Prince granted him his acquittance of 105 marks in part of 900 marks for the purchase of Burtonwood and agreed to receive from him, the remainder by instalments of £20 a year for the “woode of Burtonwoode”.

In 1291, Sir William-le-Boteler of Bewsey (Burtonwood) was present when first Prince of Wales was presented to Welsh Chieftains at Caernarvon.

In 1352 Henry Duke of Lancaster grandson of Edmund Earl of Lancaster, Henry’s daughter Blanche married John of Gaunt who in 1363 takes title of Duke of Lancaster. Duke’s of Lancaster had been, since 1270, superior Lords of Warrington and manors of Burtonwood.

In 1356 William-le-Boteler and his son John, in retinue of Prince Henry of Lancaster before Poitier’s. Boteler also present at Battle of Crecy with Black being famous as archers.

In 1371 Sir John Boteler baron of Warrington Lord of Manor of Burtonwood etc., was in John of Gaunt, Duke Lancaster’s expedition to Gascony and with Gaunt and Black Prince when they crossed the Pyrenees and gained a great victory of Navarrete.

In 1381 Sir John Boteler baron of Warrington Lord of Manor of Burtonwood was with John of Gaunt, 4th Son of Ed. III at Wat Tylers rebellion.

In 1385 Sir John was with John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster in Castelle.

In 1399 Sir William-le-Boteler was made a K.B. at coronation of Henry IV who was Duke of Lancaster and his Superior Lord.

In 1402 John de Bold (one of whose family Sir Thos. Bold gave site of Burtonwood Church, in 1605), fought with Henry Prince of Wales, later Henry V against Owen Glendower. His son: Thos. Bold also John he was knighted, and later became High Sherriff of Lancaster.

In 1415 four men intimately connected with Burtonwood and district were with Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt. Sir Piers Legh (Lord Newton’s ancestor) of Lyme, Haydock and Bradley (Burtonwood) was wounded. The others were Sir William-le-Boteler, who died at Harfleur, and his son John-le-Boteler who was knighted at Agincourt. Thomas Bold was also present. Sir John Boteler was usher to the Chamber of Henry V.

In 1537 Sir Thomas Boteler was appointed keeper of all King Henry VIII’s manors, castle and lands in Lancashire. The King loaned money to Sir Thos. on his estates including Burtonwood.

In 1624 or there about, Sir Piers Legh of Lyme Haydock and Bradley (Burtonwood) along with Rd. Bold Esq., of Bold and Burtonwood gave timber for the building of the first Church or Chapel at Burtonwood.

In 1813 Peter Bold was Lord of Manor of Bold and Burtonwood. His daughter married Peter Patten Esq., afterward named Peter Patten Bold Esq., (head of the Patten Family Peter became Lord Windmoreleigh of Walton-le-Dale

In 1824 Sir Henry Bold Hoghton who married daughter of Patten Bold Esq., (Lord Windmoreleigh family) inherited Bold and Burtonwood estates and was Lord of Manor of Burtonwood until 1859. Lord Lilford is now Lord of Manor of Bewsey (Burtonwood).

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