On Thursday the 8th day of February, 1827, at three o’clock in the afternoon, at the house of Mr. Isaac Turner, the sign of the Ship, at Sankey Bridges, near Warrington, in the following lots, subject to such conditions as may then and there be produced:

Lot 1.
102 Oak Trees and 16 Cyphers from No. 1 to 102 inclusive.
16 Ash Trees from No. 1 to 16 ditto
2 Alder Trees No. 1 and 2.

This Timber is growing upon a Farm in Burtonwood, known by the name of Causeway Bridges, in the occupation of Henry Orford.

Lot 2.
68 Oak Trees and 17 Cyphers from No. 1 to 68 inclusive.
26 Ash Trees and 7 Cyphers from No. 1 to 26 ditto
8 Willow Trees from No. 1 to 8 ditto
2 Poplar Trees No. 1 and 2.

This Timber is growing upon two Farms in Burtonwood, known by the name of Battersby’s, in the occupation of Thomas Ward, and upon another Farm known by the name of Boarded Barn, in the occupation of William Langshaw.

Lot 3.
93 Oak Trees and 26 Cyphers from No. 69 to 161 inclusive.
16 Ash Trees and 4 Cyphers from No. 17 to 42 ditto
5 Alder Trees from No. 1 to 5 ditto
3 Poplar Trees and 2 Cyphers from No. 3 to 5 ditto

This Timber is growing in part upon Boarded Barn Farm, and upon Farms known by the names of Hill’s, in the occupation of William Langshaw and Mrs. R. Gaskell.

Lot 4.
59 Oak Trees and 8 Cyphers from No. 162 to 220 inclusive.
5 Ash Trees from No. 43 to 47 ditto
1 Willow Tree No. 9.
1 Alder Tree No. 6.

This Timber is growing upon a Farm in Burtonwood, known by the name of Tan House, in the occupation of James Cooper.

Lot 5.
70 Oak Trees & 14 Cyphers from No. 221 to 290 inclusive.
26 Ash Trees and 3 Cyphers from No. 48 to 74 ditto
17 Alder Trees & 7 Cyphers from No. 7 to 23 ditto
1 Willow Tree No. 10.
3 Poplar Trees from No. 6 to 8 ditto

This Timber is growing upon a Farm in Burtonwood, in the occupation of Mrs. M. Gaskell.

Lot 6.
118 Oak Trees and 8 Cyphers from No. 1 to 118 inclusive.
12 Ash Trees and 3 Cyphers from No. 1 to 12 ditto
1 Sycamore No. 1.

This Timber is growing upon a Farm in Burtonwood, called Phipp’s, in the occupation of Thomas Fairclough, and upon a Farm adjoining, in the occupation of Peter Warburton.

Lot 7.
72 Oak Trees and 9 Cyphers from No. 1 to 72 inclusive.
4 Ash Trees from No. 1 to 4 ditto

This Timber is growing in Great Sankey, upon several Farms in the occupation of James Domville, Peter Leigh, John Owen, and Charles Woodward.

Lot 8.
147 Oak Trees and 25 Cyphers from No. 1 to 147 inclusive.
18 Ash Trees from No. 1 to 18 ditto

This Timber is growing in Great Sankey, upon several Farms in the occupation of Charles Woodward, George Fearnhead, and John Leather.

The Tenants will show the Timber growing upon their respective Farms.

The whole of the above lots are growing near to the Town of Warrington, and the greater part within one mile of the Sankey Canal.

[No. 3188—Vol. LXIL] LIVERPOOL (THURSDAY) JANUARY 18, 1827. [Price Sevenpence]

Found this interesting, its not something that seems to be done so publicly now, and gives some insight to which farms in Burtonwood were not just producing crops, but also involved in long term timber growing

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