Toll Road Improvements

Toll Road Improvements, Newton le Willows 1787

Notice is hereby Given, this Tuesday 30 October 1787,

That application is intended to be made to Parliament and a Petition presented at the next Session, for enlarging the Term and amending the Powers of an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the first Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, intitled, “An Act for repairing and widening the Roads from a certain Place near Bolton in the Moors to Leigh, and thence to the Guide Post near Golborne Dale, and to the South End of Newton Bridge, and from the said Guide Post to Winwick, and from Newton, by Parr Stocks, to the Guide Post in Parr, in the County Palatine of Lancaster,” which said Road passes through and lies within the Parishes of Bolton, Dean, Leigh, Winwick, and Prescot, in the County Palatine of Lancaster.

The next Meeting of the Trustees of the above Road, is to be held by Adjournment at John Elam’s, the Sign of the New King’s-Arms, in Leigh, the 8th Day of November next, at Eleven O’clock in the Forenoon, upon special Affairs, at which Time and Place the Commissioners, and also the Land Owners, having Estates lying upon or near to the said Roads, and all other Persons interested, are particularly requested to attend.

Clerk to the Trustees.
Leigh, Sept. 7, 1787.

The Draft of the said Bill, lies at Mr. Taylor’s Office, in Leigh, and may be perused by any Person desirous of seeing the same, at any Time preceding the Meeting, and Mr. Taylor will give all possible Information relative to the Business, to any Person who shall apply.

Manchester Mercury – Tuesday 30 October 1787

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