The Dangers of Level Crossings

St. Helens Examiner - Saturday 23 December 1882

Saturday 23 December 1882 The enthusiasm which the new Ship Canal has evoked in commercial circles, having extended to Newton, naturally caused the mind to turn for a time to the “Sankey Canal” by way of antithesis. Not that this was the first canal made in England by any means, for the Romans, during their residence in England, cut a canal from the vicinity of their metropolis, the city of York, as appears from Drake’s Eboracum. In the year 1121, Henry I made a navigable canal of seven miles in…


1901: A Fortunate Newtonian: “Struck Oil” in Texas

St Helens Examiner 1901

St. Helens Examiner – Friday 06 December 1901 Information has just reached Newton that Sam Crowther, whose parents once managed the Old Crow Inn on Crow Lane in Newton about 25 years ago, has suddenly become one of the richest men in Texas. Raised in Newton at the Old Crow Inn, Sam Crowther experienced his formative years and early adulthood there. After his father passed away, his mother remained a widow for several years before remarrying Mr. Joseph Shona, who still resides at the Old Crow. Following their mother’s death,…